When shopping for a home many factors can come into play. Bedrooms, bathrooms, potential for/or presence of a suite, land type, and location are all items that standardly come to mind when many people begin their search. School catchments are often items of importance when you have children, but they can play an important role in consideration even when children aren’t a part of your family picture.

Every year schools are assessed based upon student performance, to see where they have done well and where they can improve. There are several indicators that are taken into consideration when arriving at these rankings. Key Academic Indicators and Foundation Skills Assessments do the bulk of determining. Different zones appeal to different buyers for different reasons, and it is important to know what your wants and needs are of a community as much as the structure of your future home.
In a recent study it was found that that 84% of purchasers want data on applicable school catchments during their housing search. A strong housing catchment can have impacts on the surrounding community in its area. It can offer access to things like community events, summer camps and adult activities, parks, entertainment and child care. Homes in better school zones can face a minimal increase in property taxes. Which some may see as a detractor. In most cases, higher resale value can make it extremely advantageous.

If the data on school catchments is important to you, the Fraser Institute releases new data each year. It is separated by Elementary school rankings and Secondary school rankings and offers valuable insight on schools in your preferred region. It can be a powerful tool in helping you find your dream home in your perfect community!
I am always here to help if you have any questions,
Jeff Bishop.